Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Class Notes 9/27

yawmuddin: (judgement day) what we are to hope for, how we have followed the Qu'ran, something to look forward to if we have been good
ihram- idea of being pure/ purification, changing mental state
umra- before Hajj, lesser pilgrimage, 7 times around Ka'ba, drink from well of Zam Zam

1. Prayer = Molly and Celine

2. Quiz  #2 on vocabulary: 3 words and then a connection between all  of them\
- Qu'ran
- tawhid
- shahada
- connection?

3.  Hajj Readings:
- theme today= Hajj
- handouts written by John L. Eposito on the hajj to read
- handouts of WS to fill in while following reading on 'mosque' and 'hajj', included in packet

4.  BBC in pictures --> hajj
- Mecca in Saudi Arabia

5.  Video from National Geografic "Inside Mecca"

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