Monday, October 4, 2010

Class Notes 10/01/10

We had a powerpoint on the Jihad, and today we mainly focused on the Lesser Jihad and their influence in the Middle East. We also, learned about the extent of the Arab and Jewish conflict in the Middle East and how the creation of Islam escalated tensions and gave rise to more militant Islam. We also discussed how the interpretation of the Qur’an could have lead to the 9/11 attacks.
We also learned about Malcolm X by watching a few scenes in the movie, starring Denzel Washington. It portrayed how he became a Muslim and came to Allah during his time in prison and how he initially called for separation of races. His reasoning was that until African American’s were able to unite themselves and become cohesive then they couldn’t expect them to get equality among other races. After his pilgrimage to Mecca, he separated from the Nation of Islam and came full circle in the fact that he was more about the unity of all nations and that all should come together.
We were also given time to talk about our IIP’s which are due on Tuesday. This weekend we will finalize our powerpoint and then Monday we will regroup to talk about the last minute things.

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