Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Class Notes 10/12

Class Notes
The Role of Shari’a in Islam
*       Fiqh- Law (criminal or civil law)
*       Shari’a- Law (moral and Islamic Law)
*       Shari’a is the divine law in Islam
*       Drawn from the Qur’an and the Sunna
o   Example of the Prophet Muhammad
*       All encompassing- setting forth in detail the practice of Islam
Ethics and Society
*       Development of Islam from the period of Muhammad, early Caliphs, and Umayyad period is the “golden age” in Islamic history
*       Development of the Caliphate began in 632 to 661 (rightly Guided Caliphs) and provided an ideal period for Muslims- especially the Sunni
*       Sunni- 85% of Muslims- selected Abu Bakr- adopted the belief that leadership should be given to the most capable leader
*       Shi’a (Shiis)- 15% of Muslims- party of ‘Ali’- opposed that Abu Bakr should become the leader of the Islamic community
*       Imam- political and religious figure in Shi’a Islam- Shi’a see Ali as the 1st Imam- Sunni see imam simply as spiritual leaders
Resurgence of Islam in the World
*       Public and Private life- Islam provides a sense of identity and guidance for everyday living
*       Prayer and fasting, Islamic forms of dress, and family values
*       Iran, Afghanistan, and Sudan tried to establish themselves as Islamic States
*       Problem of radical Islamic organizations and their engagement in terrorism
*       What is the future of Islam in the 21st century?
*       Islam remains the fastest growing religion in the world
*       Expanding the learning and understanding of this major world religion is important
*       Islam law, theology, and mysticism shapes 1/6 of the world’s population
*       Revitalization of Islam is both a challenge and I threat to Muslim society and the “West”
*       Islam shares many important links between Judaism and Christianity
o   Strict monotheism
o   Similar moral value
o   Believes in the accountability of people

Test Format
*       Will have 5 questions- pick 4 to actually answer
*       Will either have a quote or a picture
*       Has 2 parts to each question
*       First part make sure you have 3 key points (facts or vocabulary)
*       Second part make sure you have 7 key points (facts or vocabulary)
*       Answer will always need “what is the nature of…?” and “what is the significance of…?”
*       You cannot use the same point twice on the test- once it is an answer it cannot be repeated

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