Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Class Notes 10/5

1. Prayer
2. Sufism- a branch of Islam; search for a development and personal relationship with God which is opposite to most main stream Muslims.
They are dedicated to a life of prayer and fasting.
3. Video on Sufi Whirling
4. Presentations

  • Australia
    • Aborigines
      • language groups
      • clans totem and territory
      • no chief
      • shared posessions
    • Sacred Nature
      • Not one invisible God
      • numerous ancestral gods
      • "oneness with nature"
        • reincarnation
        • sacrifice for bird
    • Moiety
      • based on Ancestral beings from creation
      • "exogamous"
    • Totem
      • animal/plant/place related to person or group
      • can't eat totem
    • Tribes
      • Alawa tribe
        • est. 1960
        • inhabited an area in western/southern Australia
      • Kaurna
        • Southern Australia
        • lived in pangkarra
        • circumcision
      • Kalkadoon
        • Mount Isa
    • Beliefs
      • Earth and figures are eternal 
      • connected tribes with languages
      • some groups believe in supreme being
    • Dream Time
      • time of creation
      • spirits came into forms
      • ancestor spirits come alive
      • passed down by word of mouth
    • Aboriginal Deities
      • 70 common Spirits
      • Creation being
      • Ancestral being
      • Totemic being
    • Rainbow Serpent
      • believed to control the water
    • Main Rituals
      • pray to the land
      • Funerals and Initiation ceremonies
      • Art is important to culture/religion
    • Modern Day Australia
      • Christian
      • Religious Freedom
  • India
      • Hinduism
      • Buddhism
      • Gaiyism
    • Rivers
      • Ganges---> washed away sins, baptism, bathing
    • Way of Life
      • Dharma
        • ethics and duties
      • Samsara
        • rebirth
      • Karma
        • right action
      • Moksha
        • liberation from the cycle of Samsara
    • Beliefs
      • no unified system
      • interchangeable beliefs
      • idol worship and reincarnation
    • Brahma
      • creator
      • four heads
      • lotus
      • no weapon
    • Vishnu
      • preserver
      • golden maize
      • lotus
      • spinning disk
      • white conic shell
    • Shiva
      • many forms; trident, snakes, 2-sided drum, destroyer of world (good and bad)
  • African Religion
    • Egypt
      • arid, rely on seasons, by the Nile
    • Beliefs
      • centered on rituals and myths
      • early Dynastic period (3000 B.C.) --->unification of Egypt
      • polytheistic
      • Maat- fixed eternal order of the universe
      • Pharaoh- human and devine
    • Eastern Africa
      • least urbanized
      • "horn nations"
      • Abdul-Baha wrote letters encouraging a start of religious community
    • Southern Africa
      • around the Great Lakes and forced East
      • believe sun and moon were gods
      • 3 main gods: Guab, Gauanab, Haitisi-aibib
    • Central Africa
      • Congo---> second largest rainforest
      • Bantu, a major ethnic group
      • most were Christians
      • major god is Efile Mukula
    • West Africa
      • domestication of camel allowed more advancement
      • Bantu people and Islam are mentioned in religious history
      • Christianity is predominent
      • Yoruba people of Nigeria
      • Gelede Festival
  • All believe in a supreme being

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