Monday, October 11, 2010

Class notes 10/7

1. Prayer
2. Quiz #4- last one
3. Presentations- Religions of North America

  • Inuit- Canada, Alaska, believed in Northern Lights, Spirits they believed animals and plants had souls 
  • Naskapi- believed in spirit in living things, reverance for the enivorment, suspended bodies from trees, nomadic, buried their dead facing west
  • Powhatan- Jamestown, VA, polytheistic, worshipped fire, lighting, thunder, evil God, used magic
  • Cherokee- 7 clans, 7 sacred directions, prayed to spirits 
  • Hopi- Southwest, desert climate, worshipped for rain 
  • Aztec- Mexico, 12th-15th century, trade, adobe homes, advanced military, agriculture. Had thousands of Gods, rain and sun God, had human sacrifices
4. Work on paper #2- What do Muslims believe about Allah? or what do Muslims believe about humans?

HW: Paper #2 

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