Friday, September 17, 2010

Class notes 9/14

1. Opening Prayer-Prayer for all 9/11 victims
2. PowerPoint- approaching the worlds religions obstacles and challenge
These are the obstacles and challenges with examples from the PowerPoint

  • Out of hand dismissal (mocking foreigness or complexity, refusal to learn, and Clinging to stereotypes)
  • Museum shelf (Perspective: distant, ideal, no relevance to contemporary, daily life, and impersonal)
  • Premature Assimilation(Too much of a good thing, immediate connection, appropriation and Glossing over complexities and distinctions)
  • Idealization(Medical School analogy)
What we need to overcome these:
  • Respect for differences and complexities
  • Maturity not to make inappropriate comments
  • Awareness that there's lots of different people in the world
  • Intelligence to learn
3. PowerPoint work, we continued to do research on the Middle east geography, and modern and ancient religions. We are coming along with our research at a good rate and we almost have enough to start putting together our presentation.
4. Closing prayer- Silent group meditation for 2-3 minutes to reflect upon ourselves

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