Sunday, September 12, 2010

Class Notes 9/8

Our class opener was "How family history has affected you religiously?" People had different answers that included their ancestral line and how that has affected their families current spirituality.

Prayer was done by Mia and it was a prayer for the victims and families affected by 9/11. We also watched a powerpoint by Dr. Wang about the purpose and how to study religion. It also explained the important themes of religion.

We also did a gallery walk where we answered the 5 major questions of Catholicism:
  1. What's the human condition?
  2. Who is God?
  3. How did I get here?
  4. Where are we going? (Positive and negative)
  5. How do we get there & how should I live my life?
  6. Whose considered spiritually perfect?
Some answers to these questions include:
  1. Humans have free will, original sin, and are created in the likeness of God.
  2. God is the creator, father, powerful, and loving
  3. Mom & Dad, Adam & Eve, the stork, family experiences.
  4. Positive: heaven, eternal life and happiness with God. Negative: Hell and eternal damnation, life without knowing God
  5. The Golden Rule, living as Jesus' disciples, and following the 10 commandments.
  6. Jesus, God, and Mary

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