Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Class Notes 9/20

1.) Prayer
2.) Opening?
- Video: interview of muslim boy: his beliefs and what it means to him to be Muslim

Question- "What is a prophet?"
- class answers= a disciple of God who translates his Word and will, a messanger of God, mouthpiece, to help improve human behavior on earth

3.) Powerpoint of Prophet Muhammad
(from Islam: The Straight Path, A Brief History)
- historical background of Muhammad
-- Video on Muhammad

4.) 5 Pillars- Worksheet
- graph and questions on the five pillars of islam: shahada, salat, akat, sawm, hajj
- used laptops for research

- circumlecctio check #2
- QUIZ #1 next class
 (quiz= any 3 vocabulary words out of the total 40)

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