Monday, September 20, 2010

Class Notes 9/16

1. Today we started the unit on Islam. We were to list as many things as we could that we knew about Islam as a religion.
2. YouTube video- A police officer informing his fellow police officers of the customs and sacred traditions of Islam and how they are to respect the religion.
3. We discussed the types of dress Muslims wear and the major points associated with Islam.
4. On the Powerpoint- As a class we discussed terms Allah, Qus'an, Hadith, Ka'bah, the Trip to Mecca and the Tawhid. (refer to vocab section)
5. We got our RAFTs back at the end of class.
6. We closed with a prayer keeping in mind the acceptance of other religions and beliefs beside our own.

For homework we were to read Ch. 1 and take brief notes answering the questions:

  • Who is God/ Who am I?
  • Where am I going?
  • How do I get there?

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