Monday, May 2, 2011

5/2 Notes

1. Prayer
2. Serivce reflection
Micah 6:8
"The Lord God asks this of you:  act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God"
3. Instead of Presentation--> watch movie on Christianity . orthodox

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/12 class notes

Today we talked about church history and the splits within the church

  1.  Documentary: 

  • 3 major groups(Catholic, orthodox, protestant)
  • God encourages unity between these groups
  • theological differences
  • Same major principles 
  • Differences in clergy
  • Blessed mother= big part of catholicism, big debate about this
  • 1054= East, West Schism, this was proceeded by lots of tensions
  • Many different forms of protestantism
  • Catholic and orthodox believe in transubstantiation 
  • Protestants believe in consubstantiation
  • Protestants have married clergy
  • Sola Scriptura- differences in scripture
  • Rivalry between different denominations 
  • Catholics believe in the tradition of the pope
2. Video on Eastern orthodox patriarch (equivalent of pope)

4/8/11 NOTES

After prayer we discussed Thomas Aquinas' 5 Points ascertaining the existence of God. He confirms that God must be real because of 5 different points:
    1. First Mover: everything must start somewhere & from something
    2. First Cause: there has to be a reason that things start and something must cause them to happen, they don't "just happen".
    3. Necessary Being: things start at a beginning point
    4. Intelligent Design: the world has a purpose & everything works according to some type of order
    5. Greatest Being: there has to be a higher being because good/great beings must come from something greater.
After we read an excerpt from The Shack, which is a book about the evolution of a relationship between a man and God after the death of his daughter. In it, God is portrayed in a form that makes it easier for the man to relate to and it attempts to depict the true nature of God and the fact that it is impossible for us as humans to truly comprehend him.

Then we went to Stations of the Cross in the chapel.

4/6/11 NOTES

Today, we started the Christianity unit.  We first read Pascal's Wager and he compared believing in God to gambling, because there is no real downside to believing in God, so why shouldn't a person try to believe in Him as when death comes if He is real then one will go to Heaven and if not then the person lost nothing in believing.

Each group then took one of the essential questions about a religion and answered them. The main points were:

Nature of God: all-knowing, Trinity, Jesus, merciful, loving, peace
Nature of Humans: Adam and Eve, original sin, made in the image and likeness of God, & free will, & the 2 theories regarding human's sin
How Do People Live Their Lives: Beatitudes & Sacraments, by the 10 Commandments, & Golden Rule
What Do We Have To Hope For: Salvation, Heaven vs. Hell, eternal life with God, Jesus' saving grace

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4/4 Classnotes

1. Prayer
2. IA Work
3. Talk to HL students about IA
4. Food Drive Donations?

HW: any extra food donations due next class

4/6 - Chapter 9
4/12 - IA due

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Class notes 3/29

1. Prayer
2. U.S. Department of Justice reading- hate crimes and groups in the U.S.
3. Nazi America video- History channel and National Geographic
4. Southern Poverty Law Center- fights against hate crimes and groups
5. Anti defamation league

HW: Continue working on IA and presentation

Sunday, March 27, 2011

3/25/11 Class Notes

Two senior students gave a presentation on their service learning projects: one was at the children's inn at the NIH and the other was at the 2nd Chance Wildlife Center.

Then, we were given a handout and listened to a recording of Elie Weisel's speech at the White House in 1999 during the Millenium Lectures. He commemorated the Holocaust and also touched on a somewhat similar situation that was happening in Kosovo. He talked about the consequences of indifference of nations and people, especially in relation to the Holocaust and the U.S. initial position during the war. He also talked about how it was our duty as humans to make the decision to help others and bring justice to various corners of the world.

We also read excerpts from Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl who was also a Holocaust survivor and  he wrote about his experience in the camps and how people were dehumanized and demeaned by the guards and the situation they were in. He also talked about the power of love in those types of situations and what became the most important things to people when they were liberated: to eat and to talk, 2 of the most basic things that they were deprived of during the camps--the ability to voice one's opinions and just talk.

Hw: Read chapter 9 by April 6 & completed IA due April 12.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3/21/11 Class Notes

1. Prayer
2. Calendar for fourth quarter
3. Holocaust Museum reflection turned in
4. Holocaust= "burnt offering"

  • genocide= mass murder based on social construct
  • Shoah= burnt offering in Hebrew and thats why the Jewish holiday Yam Hashoah is named that. 

5. Anti Jewish policies:

  • starts small, anti-sematic comments, Christ killers, boycott of Jewish goods/ stores
  • shows that Hitler subtly turned the German population and youth against Jews.

6.  Nazi Ideology Reading and Questions

  • the author talks about Hitler's ideology and belief and how he tried instilling that into the Germans behind the ideals of nationalism. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

3/11/11 Class Notes

Today we reviewed the upcoming Judaism test on Thursday. We did 2 Judaism hangers--the first one was a spiritual hanger where we were presented with a quote and had to come up with a significance question and one that looked at the deeper meaning.

After, we watched a movie on Reform Judaism and its important characteristics. It always explored the relationship between Reform Judaism and Orthodox/ Conservative Judaism. It stressed the fact that both held the same core beliefs and the split between the two came about because of Reform's Jews willingness to be Jews but under another ethnicity, so they would be German Jews, instead of Conservative's want to be Jewish Germans. This is because Judaism is not only a religion, but a culture and ethnicity as well. The core beliefs of all Jews are the same: belief in one God and that He has a certain expectations of His "chosen people", which doesn't mean that they are better than others but just that they will endure more suffering for their faith. Also, Reform Judaism holds the same beliefs as Orthodox Jews they just make their religion more "practiceable" in contemporary times. The Rabbi also stressed the fact that Judaism is about Orthopraxis and the Torah is a core part of their faith and practice.

After we watched the movie we did hangers on symbols. IA parts A, B, and E are due at the end of class on Tuesday, before the test and the Stewardship donation is due the day of the test.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Class notes 3/9

1. Quiz #4 on Jewish symbols
2. Go to media center to do IA/ presentation work

HW:  Work on projects

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3/7 Classnotes

1. Prayer

2. Handout on Judaism- Signs and Symbols
- review and read during class, why sugns and symbols are important in Jewish tradition and their history

3. Work on 20 Questions
- specific religion
- work on IA
-- Homework= quiz next class on 6 words at the top of the Handout:

Magein David
Hamesh Hand

Monday, February 7, 2011

2/7 ClassNotes

1. Prayer

2. Huston Smith Extracts
(handouts on Judaism)
- Background= small historical impact v. universal religious impact
                     = importance of Life, Death and Tradition

3. Educational Chicago Police Video on Judaism
- Yammaca= for men
- married women cover their head in public, its rude to ask them to remove them
- do not shake hands with opposite sex

4. Judaism Intorduction Powerpoint
- Mr Dalphonse will elaborate next class