Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/12 class notes

Today we talked about church history and the splits within the church

  1.  Documentary: 

  • 3 major groups(Catholic, orthodox, protestant)
  • God encourages unity between these groups
  • theological differences
  • Same major principles 
  • Differences in clergy
  • Blessed mother= big part of catholicism, big debate about this
  • 1054= East, West Schism, this was proceeded by lots of tensions
  • Many different forms of protestantism
  • Catholic and orthodox believe in transubstantiation 
  • Protestants believe in consubstantiation
  • Protestants have married clergy
  • Sola Scriptura- differences in scripture
  • Rivalry between different denominations 
  • Catholics believe in the tradition of the pope
2. Video on Eastern orthodox patriarch (equivalent of pope)

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