Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/6/11 NOTES

Today, we started the Christianity unit.  We first read Pascal's Wager and he compared believing in God to gambling, because there is no real downside to believing in God, so why shouldn't a person try to believe in Him as when death comes if He is real then one will go to Heaven and if not then the person lost nothing in believing.

Each group then took one of the essential questions about a religion and answered them. The main points were:

Nature of God: all-knowing, Trinity, Jesus, merciful, loving, peace
Nature of Humans: Adam and Eve, original sin, made in the image and likeness of God, & free will, & the 2 theories regarding human's sin
How Do People Live Their Lives: Beatitudes & Sacraments, by the 10 Commandments, & Golden Rule
What Do We Have To Hope For: Salvation, Heaven vs. Hell, eternal life with God, Jesus' saving grace

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