Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/8/11 NOTES

After prayer we discussed Thomas Aquinas' 5 Points ascertaining the existence of God. He confirms that God must be real because of 5 different points:
    1. First Mover: everything must start somewhere & from something
    2. First Cause: there has to be a reason that things start and something must cause them to happen, they don't "just happen".
    3. Necessary Being: things start at a beginning point
    4. Intelligent Design: the world has a purpose & everything works according to some type of order
    5. Greatest Being: there has to be a higher being because good/great beings must come from something greater.
After we read an excerpt from The Shack, which is a book about the evolution of a relationship between a man and God after the death of his daughter. In it, God is portrayed in a form that makes it easier for the man to relate to and it attempts to depict the true nature of God and the fact that it is impossible for us as humans to truly comprehend him.

Then we went to Stations of the Cross in the chapel.

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