Sunday, March 27, 2011

3/25/11 Class Notes

Two senior students gave a presentation on their service learning projects: one was at the children's inn at the NIH and the other was at the 2nd Chance Wildlife Center.

Then, we were given a handout and listened to a recording of Elie Weisel's speech at the White House in 1999 during the Millenium Lectures. He commemorated the Holocaust and also touched on a somewhat similar situation that was happening in Kosovo. He talked about the consequences of indifference of nations and people, especially in relation to the Holocaust and the U.S. initial position during the war. He also talked about how it was our duty as humans to make the decision to help others and bring justice to various corners of the world.

We also read excerpts from Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl who was also a Holocaust survivor and  he wrote about his experience in the camps and how people were dehumanized and demeaned by the guards and the situation they were in. He also talked about the power of love in those types of situations and what became the most important things to people when they were liberated: to eat and to talk, 2 of the most basic things that they were deprived of during the camps--the ability to voice one's opinions and just talk.

Hw: Read chapter 9 by April 6 & completed IA due April 12.

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