Thursday, March 17, 2011

3/11/11 Class Notes

Today we reviewed the upcoming Judaism test on Thursday. We did 2 Judaism hangers--the first one was a spiritual hanger where we were presented with a quote and had to come up with a significance question and one that looked at the deeper meaning.

After, we watched a movie on Reform Judaism and its important characteristics. It always explored the relationship between Reform Judaism and Orthodox/ Conservative Judaism. It stressed the fact that both held the same core beliefs and the split between the two came about because of Reform's Jews willingness to be Jews but under another ethnicity, so they would be German Jews, instead of Conservative's want to be Jewish Germans. This is because Judaism is not only a religion, but a culture and ethnicity as well. The core beliefs of all Jews are the same: belief in one God and that He has a certain expectations of His "chosen people", which doesn't mean that they are better than others but just that they will endure more suffering for their faith. Also, Reform Judaism holds the same beliefs as Orthodox Jews they just make their religion more "practiceable" in contemporary times. The Rabbi also stressed the fact that Judaism is about Orthopraxis and the Torah is a core part of their faith and practice.

After we watched the movie we did hangers on symbols. IA parts A, B, and E are due at the end of class on Tuesday, before the test and the Stewardship donation is due the day of the test.

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