Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Class Notes 11/8

  1. Took quiz #2: Wu Wei, Lau Tzu, and Taixi
  2. Taoism Notes
  • Tao- the path or the way
  • followers mainly in Taiwan
  • Lao-Tse- founder and contemporary of Confucius
  • Dao de Jing- “the way and it's power”
    • describes the nature of life, the way of peace, & how a ruler should live his life
    • focuses on the harmony of opposites, and peaceful flow of the Tao
    • artificial structures in societies create discord
    • Tao is transcendent, indistinct and with out form
  • Different from other religions: no formal worship or prayer, no creation of universe, and no personal deity
    • time- cyclical not linear
    • concept of wu wei: quietism and avoids aggression. 
    • natural order of the universe
  • The Absolute: I Ching
    • impersonal/invisible way of the universe
    • Indifferent to human desires and artificial structures
    • Humans can only discern it because it doesn't reveal itself
  • The World:
    • is beyond good/evil
    • no sense of design or what “ought to be”
    • trying to conquer or improve world is futile
    • provides everything humans and animals need
  • Humans:
    • are essentially good
    • can enjoy a good life in the world
    • old age; wisdom, sage
    • humans are best as they were born- weak and simple
    • disharmony with the universe is the greatest challenge for humans
    • suffering comes from trying to conquer nature
    • civilization is the enemy of the contented human
    • Humans resolve their problems by:
      • returning to the simple life, in harmony with nature
      • long life in accord w/ Tao
      • practice of taixi--- goal of taoist meditation is the harmony of the human, divine, and cosmos
  • Community and Ethics:
    • inaction is the secret to a good life
    • "live and let live"
    • trying to do good leads only to trouble
  • I Ching:
    • symbol system designed to identify order in what seem to be chance events
    • attempts to relate day-by-day life of the individual to the ways of the universe
3.) Watched clips from Mulan and compared them to Confucianism and Daoism
4.) Paper #1 Due Friday

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