Sunday, August 29, 2010

Class Notes 8/27

Today, we started class with a discussion about whether religion was created, discovered, revealed, or other? After discussion we realized that religion had aspects that fit into each group. In order to fully understand religion, you first had to realize that there were parts of it that were revealed or discovered by people but that it also has a tangible aspect of it that was created by humans.

We also watched a music video that decided to spend its money on making a difference throughout the world in various countries and it really drove the point of how privileged we were and that any small thing could make a difference. We also discussed the article we read for homework and defined some of the many words that confused us.

delineate: draws the differenece between before and after something.
ontological: argument for God's existence
cosmogony: theory of the universe's evolution
theophany: God revealing and is appearance of God. ex=burning bush
demarcation: point in time marking the beginning of something
soteriology: study of salvation

Lastly, we received an article and worksheet for homework that talks about the "passing over and coming back".

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